Obtain Procedure Efficacy 30% Faster
All the Benefits You, Your Team, and Patients Deserve
You can achieve excellent bond efficacy and reduce procedure time with one tool
Download the DentaLink Time Savings Case StudyBe the Only Person Working in the Mouth
Enable your DA to be one step ahead of you. Allow them to monitor the case instead of focusing on retraction and suction.
Visible, Open Access to the Tooth
Keep the patient’s mouth open and reduce the level of humidity to get the results you demand.
Retract the Tongue and other Soft Tissues
Eliminate chances for a patient to touch a prep once completed. Protect the floor of the mouth, sub-lingual frenulum, cheek, and gums from high-speed hand pieces.
Achieve fast, high-quality procedures with Isolite by:
Ensure better clinical outcomes with our clinician-focused design.
Protect your team and patients by reducing dental aerosols at the source.
Keeps patients relaxed with the Mouthpiece's integrated bite block and tongue retraction.
Reduce moisture and contamination for a dry, predictable field every time.
With fewer interruptions, you can complete procedures up to 30% faster.
Simplify your workflow for optimal performance at every step.