A Proud Partner of the U.S. Armed Forces and VA
The Isolite System from Zyris has helped military dentists and VA dental teams streamline procedures and reduce treatment time for over a decade.
The Isolite System from Zyris has helped military dentists and VA dental teams streamline procedures and reduce treatment time for over a decade.
The Isolite Pro is an all-in-one system that allows you to perform posterior & anterior procedures quickly and efficiently. Treat more patients daily, supporting the readiness of your military community, and ensuring veterans receive care without unnecessary delays.
Advanced isolation & access
Shadowless Illumination
Continuous hands-free evacuation
Reduce procedure time by up to 30% - even without an assistant
ECAT makes purchasing online efficient and enables us to deliver on our promise to provide products and services that help improve overall dental care and increase patient satisfaction. Refer to the ECAT website or our Military Brochure for a full listing of products available for purchase.
To place an order, or for pricing, visit ECAT or simply call us at 1-800-566-9888. Our ECAT Contract is SPE2DE-17-D-0017.
As a trusted partner to military and VA dental clinics, Zyris Isolite has helped our Armed Forces and VA treat patients faster, more efficiently, and safely for over 15 years.