Dental Sealants Procedure

Dental Sealants

The ability to control moisture and humidity in the oral cavity is a key factor in the successful placement of sealants. With the Isolite, it’s possible for to perform eight sealants in eight minutes. How? When the Isolite Mouthpiece is placed, it provides dual quadrant isolation for both the maxillary and mandible allowing the clinician to treat both areas without the patient's tongue interfering or having to stop and reset the isolation so that you can complete more sealants faster. The sealant etch is rinsed and evacuated quickly without having patients taste the etch or need to stop and spit.

Hear from Misti Pratt, DDS how using an Isolite when applying dental sealants has made it easier for her and better for her patients.

Sealant Placement Efficiency

Isolite Systems supported a recent study performed by two Pediatric Dental Residents at Temple University to compare the efficiency of sealant placement using the Isolite® system compared to traditional methods of isolation. Click here to learn more about the study.

Three solutions to choose from:

One thing that I love about [the Isolite Pro] is the kids don't taste the etch or the sealant and get upset, so it helps the procedure go much faster.
Misti Pratt, DDS
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